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Personalizing the Onboarding Experience

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Personalizing the Onboarding Experience

The current reality for most organizations is that their learning strategy is still a one-size-fits-all approach delivered in a choppy, disconnected learning experience. At the same time, learners expect learning to be just for them, only what they need, and just when they need it. While organizations are realizing that a personalized training approach can lead to better performance and engagement, not all “personalization” delivers real impact. True personalized learning is now possible, but the technology that will get you there does not reside in your LMS or LXP.

In today’s environment, creating agile learning strategies that are aligned with business goals has become even more taxing for L&D leaders who are facing constant change. In fact, 77% do not believe their learning strategy is fully effective to help them achieve business goals (Brandon Hall Group, Learning Strategy that Drives Performance Survey).

In a recent Training Industry webinar “Personalized Learning: From Onboarding to Ongoing”, Manoj Kulkarni, Chief Executive Officer of Realizeit, discussed how a personalized learning approach can be a strategic weapon to your business and vital to solving the challenges facing L&D today.

6.15.22 TI WebinarDuring this interactive session, Manoj provided valuable insights for learning professionals, suggesting to:

- Understand the most common pain points with onboarding and ongoing learning that a personalized, connected learning approach can address.

- Discover the benefits of designing an end-to-end learning approach based on an adaptive learning foundation that delivers a seamless “onboarding-to-ongoing” experience.

The webinar provided examples of organizations that are modernizing their learning strategy to include personalization as the foundation for continuous learning that involves and impacts all stakeholders.

Manoj showed what “the right” personalized adaptive learning technology looks like. He explored the personalized learning experience for new hires with distinct roles and skill levels as well how experienced learners can upskill quickly as their learning needs evolve. Other views included how personalization should extend beyond the learner to other stakeholders by leveraging the deep insights that adaptive learning can provide.

Manoj closed by covering the essential components needed from personalized learning technology to augment your learning ecosystem with this critical missing piece. Those who are exploring different options for personalized and adaptive learning will find this especially useful to organize their search.

To learn more, watch Manoj’s presentation in this complimentary webinar, or contact us today to start a discussion regarding your personalized training needs.

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Realizeit To Showcase Business-Critical Training Powered by AI at ATD24 Conference and EXPO

Realizeit will participate at the ATD24 International Conference and EXPO to showcase how companies can train their most business-critical roles, including those skills that have a direct impact on safety, company performance, and customer satisfaction.